Maximal training
8-100% 1 rep max
3-6 Exercises
1-5 reps per set
3-6 sets per exercise
3-5 minutes rest
2 - 3 times a week
3 - 4 Resistance exercise sessions per week
2 Upper body
2 Lower body
85% max weight or higher
6 reps or less
2-6 minutes rest
Hang cleans (power)
Back Squats (core)
Bench Presses (core)
Bent Over Rows (assistance)
Triceps Push Downs (assistance)
A second approach is to alternate upper and lower body exercises:
Seated Rows
Leg Curls
Reverse Flies
Calf Presses
Barbell Curls
Finally, the push-pull format is an effective resistance training session structure. For the upper body:
Incline Bench Presses
Lat Pull Downs
Military Presses
Hammer Curls
And for the lower body:
Front Squats
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Hip Sleds
Leg Curls

strength is how much force your muscles can exert. Power is how quickly that force can be exerted.
Power Training

2-3 times a week, 48-72 hours of rest between.
5-10 seconds between reps
As much as 5-10 seconds may be required between depth jumps and a work to rest ratio of 1:10 is recommended. For example, if a set of bounds takes 30 seconds to complete, the rest interval between sets would be 300 seconds or 5 minutes.

Below is a sample muscular endurance program for a field hockey player:

Sets should not be completed to failure but should end when repetitions are no longer powerful and rhythmic.
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